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Keytotech is Clutch’s Global Winner and Champion 2023

Keytotech’s Milestone Achievement. Clutch’s Global Winner and Champion 2023 We at Keytotech are thrilled to share a significant milestone in our journey of innovation and customer service. The 2023 Clutch Global Winners and 2023 Clutch Champion Winners awards honour us, placing us in the top 10% of companies on Awards’ Significance. More Than Just[...]
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Native vs Cross-Platform Development

Native and cross-platform development
Many people are twisted by the various app development options after a decision on developing an app for their business. They must select the best solution among the available mobile app development technologies. Worth mentioning that such solutions as native and cross-platform are suitable for companies/startups based on different factors, such as business size, project[...]
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How to hire good software developers?

Hiring good softwaredevelopers
Hiring good developers is one of the most difficult challenges for today’s recruiter. Effective interviewing and hiring is both an art and a science. Seeking software development talent – true talent – is a professional skill that combines social networking, technical base, process management, and intuition. Anyone who has ever had hiring experience understands the[...]
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Top Eastern European Countries To Outsource Software Development

Eastern Europe Software Development Outsourcing
For the past decade, digital technologies showed a steady growth trend. When you observe all these transitions, you try to move with the times. Businesses take steps to ensure that they meet the expectations of today’s customers. So, businesses are desperate to find the best technical specialists to create a new user-friendly app or platform[...]
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Your Remote Team Wellbeing

Employee wellbeing
Remote work includes its own stresses and difficulties. COVID-19 has aroused great interest in remote team wellbeing, as companies are looking for new ways to help workers remain efficient. This has made many people exposed to the impact of self-isolation on their emotional stability and wellbeing while teams need to respond rapidly to changing working[...]
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IT Outsourcing Trends in 2021

outsourcing trends in IT
IT outsourcing is becoming more prevalent, offering effective changes to companies all over the world. Companies choose software development outsourcing for a wide range of purposes, which includes specialized expertise, and cost savings.  The pandemic has transformed the forces that influence a business’s need for outsourcing and its digital transformation plan. Organizations have undergone significant[...]
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Tech Trends To Watch In 2021

trends 2021
2020 proved to be a more eventful year than any of us predicted. Not only is 2020 implemented in our memory as the year of pandemic, social distancing, and lockdowns, but also the year that forced us to step outside the comfort zone, bringing tech trends to the next level.  Technology has taken center stage[...]
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IT support for Small businesses: Things you need to know

Small businesses
The popularity of a small business is indisputable. Every month, more than 500,000 new companies are set up. There is no single person, without any doubt, who doesn’t want to be a business owner and manage his/her own time and strength. Small businesses provide economic and employment opportunities for people. They help local ecosystems, keep funds[...]
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KeyToTech stamps its authority to become the Leading Flutter App Development Company of 2020

Flutter app development company 2020
In the present day, the business needs to develop cross-platform apps to cater to a larger number of audiences. Flutter app development is one of the most sought after platforms to develop state-of-the-art cross-platform mobile apps. KeyToTech has been rendering top-notch Flutter app development services to clients and provides the right impetus to reach goals.[...]
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