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How COVID-19 Forces Digital Transformation

Motion speed effect with City Night
Most of the experienced entrepreneurs will agree that the only constant in business is a change.  To be successful businesses shouldn’t be too conservative about transformations and continuous improvements. For the last decade, the forward-looking companies were trying to embrace new technologies in one way or another. So today they are more prepared for a[...]
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Will React Native Survive?

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Recently, Facebook released news that they’re rewriting the messenger codebase on iOS, for a faster, smaller, and simpler app. It caused quite a buzz in the developers (and not only)  community. Many people started questioning whether it means they abandon React Native?  Does it mean that they switched from React Native to Native? Or what’s going[...]
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Why choose Flutter? Google’s latest innovation for apps

Why choose Flutter for your project? And how Google’s latest innovation for apps may change the future of mobile development? In this article, you’ll find some essential information about Flutter, its pros, and cons, the main differences from other cross-platform solutions. The demand for mobile applications has grown to such a degree when not having[...]
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What are chatbots, and how can they benefit businesses?

AI robotic operations tablet
We live in a time of total automation. More and more businesses adopt new computer systems, robotics, and Artificial Intelligence to replace human beings. In recent years, chatbots have become increasingly popular. According to various studies, soon people will have more conversations with chatbots than with their partners. But what are chatbots and how can[...]
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Work SMART, get LEAN!

lean software development
Lean software development is a disciplined agile practice for optimization of value stream within the application and software development domain. Lean manufacturing is wrapping up logistic and product manufacturing. Interacting with suppliers and customers is mandatory in the process. These practices are deeply bound with some core values of Agile software development therefore can be[...]
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Can We Have More Bugs, Please?

How to make a stable product that works well for all clients on all devices? One of the key answers here is a bugless software. A bug is about all the inconsistency and lack of functionality on the project. But how to prevent bugs? Is it possible at all to do this? The actual answer[...]
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