Workout Tracker

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Workout Tracker

Built for people passionate about fitness! Bufffit is a brand new workout tracking system, helping users achieve their goals by effortlessly documenting their workouts and ‘gamifying’ the gym experience. Create and Share a state of the art workout routines.


Android, IOS


React Native, Redux


Stripe, Android Studio, Xcode, Git, React


2 years (with support)




10 000+

Business Challenge

Our task was to build a strong and simple Android application. The main objective of the project was to make the interaction with the app as fast as possible, provide the ability to create a custom workout plan and should look unusual and catchy. We came to the conclusion that the app should provide easy and quick access to all necessary information and mustn’t distract users from exercises.

How we helped

Once the goals were all set, I got down to projecting our vision of the design of the fitness tracker. Our team decided on a set of key elements that app should have:

    • powerful workout constructor
    • tracker with a flexible timer
    • workout diary
  • beautiful interface switch for female users

The app has a clear design and user-friendly functionality. Bufffit allows users to enter their personal data, including weight and height, and to set workout goals. Bufffit allows experienced users to create their own workout plans. It’s simple to create complex plans and add routines. Simple and smooth graph transition makes the interface feel more consistent and unique. Easily start your workout and begin exercising. Bufffit will show your planned workout.

What are you waiting for?

A great project starts with simple words!
Let us know about your ideas and we will help you build it.


  • Client:Bufffit
  • Tags:IOS, Android, fitness, tracker, healthcare
  • Project Type:Mobile, fitness, tracker, healthcare

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