Artificial Intelligence

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Technological Innovations and AI in Crowdfunding Mobile Applications: Benefits and Challenges for Project Development

AI in crowdfunding
The rapid growth of technology has resulted in a dramatic alteration of the crowdfunding environment in recent years. In the crowdfunding space, mobile applications have become a vital tool that is transforming the way initiatives are funded and supported.    The Rise of Mobile Crowdfunding Apps Access to crowdfunding platforms has become more widely available[...]
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What are chatbots, and how can they benefit businesses?

AI robotic operations tablet
We live in a time of total automation. More and more businesses adopt new computer systems, robotics, and Artificial Intelligence to replace human beings. In recent years, chatbots have become increasingly popular. According to various studies, soon people will have more conversations with chatbots than with their partners. But what are chatbots and how can[...]
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