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Technological Innovations and AI in Crowdfunding Mobile Applications: Benefits and Challenges for Project Development

AI in crowdfunding
The rapid growth of technology has resulted in a dramatic alteration of the crowdfunding environment in recent years. In the crowdfunding space, mobile applications have become a vital tool that is transforming the way initiatives are funded and supported.    The Rise of Mobile Crowdfunding Apps Access to crowdfunding platforms has become more widely available[...]
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Best habit trackers

What are habits and why do you need habit trackers? In general, habits are small actions performed by you every day. Basically, your life consists of your habits, small or big, bad or good. Supposing you want to develop a new habit, you may wonder how to succeed in it. We have an answer to[...]
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How to create a successful app?

The world in which we live is spinning around technologies and people who create those amazing things. Every morning, we start our day not with a cup of coffee, but with our smartphone app starting from the alarm clock, finishing with plans for the day, or ordering something. Without this all-in-one phone, it’s hardly impossible[...]
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