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Technological Innovations and AI in Crowdfunding Mobile Applications: Benefits and Challenges for Project Development

AI in crowdfunding
The rapid growth of technology has resulted in a dramatic alteration of the crowdfunding environment in recent years. In the crowdfunding space, mobile applications have become a vital tool that is transforming the way initiatives are funded and supported.    The Rise of Mobile Crowdfunding Apps Access to crowdfunding platforms has become more widely available[...]
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IT support for Small businesses: Things you need to know

Small businesses
The popularity of a small business is indisputable. Every month, more than 500,000 new companies are set up. There is no single person, without any doubt, who doesn’t want to be a business owner and manage his/her own time and strength. Small businesses provide economic and employment opportunities for people. They help local ecosystems, keep funds[...]
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The Benefits of Having IT Outsourcing Partner from Ukraine

While the cost of highly qualified intellectual labor in advanced economies such as The USA is constantly increasing, the maintenance of IT departments requires huge outlays. In order to reduce it, the smart choice is to transfer some part of in-house software development work abroad. Such an approach to doing business has been used by[...]
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5 Ways to Kill Your Startup

Out of all the startups launched, only 8% survive. Startup Genome Report says that more than half of startups are closed because the resource usage is predicted incorrectly. The success of your startup depends on whether you are capable of avoiding a large number of errors, common for many young businesses. Having an overview of[...]
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