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Which IT Outsourcing Engagement Model Is Best For Your Project?

  • on Feb 21, 2019
Like every strategic partnership, IT outsourcing requires proper planning phase, which includes defining clear goals and setting up the most.
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The Benefits of Having IT Outsourcing Partner from Ukraine

  • on Jan 31, 2019
While the cost of highly qualified intellectual labor in advanced economies such as The USA is constantly increasing, the maintenance.
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Must-Visit Conferences in September

  • on Sep 03, 2018
More than 53,000 conferences, meetings, and networks are held every year in Europe. The presence of numerous technical conferences allows.
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5 Ways to Kill Your Startup

  • on Aug 10, 2018
Out of all the startups launched, only 8% survive. Startup Genome Report says that more than half of startups are.
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3 Tips For Naming Your Startup

  • on Jul 26, 2018
Every business starts with a name. Usually, most of the entrepreneurs are struggling with the choice of a suitable, clear.
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Work SMART, get LEAN!

  • on Jul 18, 2018
Lean software development is a disciplined agile practice for optimization of value stream within the application and software development domain..
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