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Technological Innovations and AI in Crowdfunding Mobile Applications: Benefits and Challenges for Project Development

AI in crowdfunding
The rapid growth of technology has resulted in a dramatic alteration of the crowdfunding environment in recent years. In the crowdfunding space, mobile applications have become a vital tool that is transforming the way initiatives are funded and supported.    The Rise of Mobile Crowdfunding Apps Access to crowdfunding platforms has become more widely available[...]
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Tech Trends To Watch In 2021

trends 2021
2020 proved to be a more eventful year than any of us predicted. Not only is 2020 implemented in our memory as the year of pandemic, social distancing, and lockdowns, but also the year that forced us to step outside the comfort zone, bringing tech trends to the next level.  Technology has taken center stage[...]
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How to create a successful app?

The world in which we live is spinning around technologies and people who create those amazing things. Every morning, we start our day not with a cup of coffee, but with our smartphone app starting from the alarm clock, finishing with plans for the day, or ordering something. Without this all-in-one phone, it’s hardly impossible[...]
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The Benefits of Having IT Outsourcing Partner from Ukraine

While the cost of highly qualified intellectual labor in advanced economies such as The USA is constantly increasing, the maintenance of IT departments requires huge outlays. In order to reduce it, the smart choice is to transfer some part of in-house software development work abroad. Such an approach to doing business has been used by[...]
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Work SMART, get LEAN!

lean software development
Lean software development is a disciplined agile practice for optimization of value stream within the application and software development domain. Lean manufacturing is wrapping up logistic and product manufacturing. Interacting with suppliers and customers is mandatory in the process. These practices are deeply bound with some core values of Agile software development therefore can be[...]
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Can We Have More Bugs, Please?

How to make a stable product that works well for all clients on all devices? One of the key answers here is a bugless software. A bug is about all the inconsistency and lack of functionality on the project. But how to prevent bugs? Is it possible at all to do this? The actual answer[...]
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